Oghuz Turks 999-1063 AD

Oghuz- a new list


Author: Brendan Moyle


Synopsis: A new list for the Oghuz (Turkmen) invasions of the 11th C.

See also Seljuq Turk.




Oghuz: 999-1063 AD


Aggression 4: Rv, H(S), H(G), BUA, E, M, Rd, D.


C-in-C Irr Cv(O) @ 17AP or Irr LH(S) @17 AP 1

Sub-general as above 1-2*

Ally Irr Cv(O)@ 12 AP or Irr LH(S) @ 12 AP 1**-2

Noble Cavalry Irr Cv(O) @ 7AP 6-12

Oghuz irr LH(S) @ 7AP 12-36

Replace Oghuz with poor riders Irr Cv(I)@ 5AP 0 to 1/4

Tus mountain allies or other foot Irr Ax(O) @ 3 AP  0-12



Only if led by Seljuks

Replace CinC with Reg Cv(O) @ 28AP or Reg LH(S) @ 27 AP or Reg Cv(S) @ 30 AP 1

Replace Oghuz with Qinniq tribesmen as reg LH(S) @ 7AP 0-16

Replace Sub-generals with Reg Cv(O) @ 28 AP or Reg LH(S) @ 27 AP or Reg Cv(S) @ 30 AP 0-1 per 6

Qinniq LH



Only after 1035 AD

Kakuyid or Buyid Ally (Dailami List, Book 3)

Kurdish Ally (Kurdish List, Book 3)



Only after 1040

Khurasanian defectors Reg Cv(O) @ 8 AP or Reg Cv(S) @ 10 AP 0-6

Khurasanian or Iraqi foot- up to third irr Ps(O) @ 3 AP, rest Irr Sp(I) @ 3AP 0-12

Replace Khurasanian or Iraqi with townspeople Irr Hd(O) @ 1 AP any

Replace Oghuz nobles with mamluks

as Reg Cv(O)@ 8AP or Reg Cv(S)@ 10 AP if in tijfaf-bards or armed with lance any

Replace sub-generals with Reg Cv(S) @ 30 AP

Bedouin auxiliaries Irr LH(O) 0-6

Captured Ghaznavid Elephants Irr El(I) 0-1


(*) Maxima applies only to Seljuq armies

(**) Minima applies only if more than 12 irr LH(S) are used




This list covers the Oghuz armies in Khurasan and the Middle East in the aftermath of the collapse of the Samanids in Transoxania. It covers the major settlements in Iraq, Azerbayjan, the Jibal, Kirman and Khurasan. It does not cover the Oghuz armies in Central Asia, which are still covered by the Central Asian Turk (Book 3) list.


This is a period where the Oghuz were militarily very aggressive, extending their invasions even into the Byzantine Empire. They usually did not resepct local Muslim populations and perpetrated several brutal sacks of cities in the Abbasid Caliphate. The Seljuqs led by Tughril-Beg however, appeared much more temperate.


The list ends with the defeat of the Shihab al-Dawla Qutalmish by Alp-Arslan in 1063 AD. This makes the period of the ascendancy of the vizier Nizam al-Mulk and the transition of the Seljuq army into a professional Middle Eastern force.


Seljuq Oghuz (Qinniq) are treated as regulars because 1) Tughril Beg and Chagri Beg seemed to exert a higher measure of control over them than the other Oghuz tribesmen and 2) the Saljuq-nama of Zahir al-Din Nishapuri claims that the Seljuqs ruled well-ordered regiments of cavalry. Both local Kurdish and Kakuyid (Dailami) dynasts allied (usually temporarily) with Oghuz tribes. A Buyid ally cannot be from Baghdad. A Buyid ally did assist a Seljuq force against a Kurdish opponent.


Khurasanian or Iraqi Ps(O) can support Sp(I) foot. Bedouin auxiliaries can be commanded by a Kurdish ally. Inexperienced Seljuq cavalry are mentioned at the battle of Dandanqan where they were relgated to the rear as baggage guards. This justifies the use of some Cv(I). Seljuq leaders include Tughril Beg, Chagri Beg (Daud) and Alp-Arslan.


The Elephant is conjectural but the Oghuz captured many Ghaznavid elephants as booty, and luckless prisoners were sometimes tossed under elephants to be trampled.


Horse-armour and lances were being used by Turkish cavalry in this era.




Cambridge History of Iran

Ibn al-Athir

Zahir al-Din Nishapuri